Luther Grosvenor - Albums |
This discography shows the title, track list, date, country, label, and catalog number for all known releases and variations. It also serves as a want list. An asterisk (*) after the entry means I already have it, and a dash (-) means I am looking for a copy. Country abbreviations: ARG = Argentina; BEL = Belgium; BRA = Brazil; CAN = Canada; EU = European Union; FRA = France; GER = Germany; GRE = Greece; HOL = Holland; IRE = Ireland; ISR = Israel; ITA - Italy; JAP = Japan; KOR = Korea; MAL = Malaysia; NOR = Norway; NZ = New Zealand; OZ = Australia; PHI = Philippines; POR = Portugal; RUS = Russia; SA = South Africa; SNG = Singapore; SPA = Spain; SWE = Sweden; THA = Thailand; TUR = Turkey; YUG = Yugoslavia. Abbreviations in the notes: cvr = cover; slv = sleeve; cis = custom inner sleeve; ins = insert; obi = Japanese OBI band on cover; gfc = gatefold cover; 8b = custom 8 track box; wlp = white label promo; ts = DJ timing strip; pr = promo; stkr = sticker; ra = removable centre adapter; na = no centre adapter; s/m = promo with stereo and mono versions; s/s = promo with two stereo versions; no ins = CD has no jewel case inserts. Clicking a thumbnail image of the cover or label will bring you to a larger image.
Supernatural Fairy Tales |
1967 Album by Art
I Think I'm Going Weird; What's That Sound (For What It's Worth); African Thing; Room With a View; Flying Anchors; Supernatural Fairy Tale; Love Is Real; Come on Up; Brothers, Dads and Mothers; Talkin' to Myself; Alive Not Dead; Rome Take Away Three
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 19?? | CAN | LP | Island WIS 4701 | | - |
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 1967 | GER | LP | Island 88395 ET | | - |
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 1967 | OZ | LP | Festival FL 32790 | | - |
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 19?? | SA | LP | Fontana ? | | - |
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 1967 | UK | LP | Island ILPS 967 | | - |
 | Supernatural Fairy Tales | 1994 | UK | CD | Demon/Drop Out DOCD 1987 | | - |
It's All About |
1968 Album by Spooky Tooth
Original Album: Society's Child (Baby I've Been Thinking) (Ian); Love Really Changed Me (Grosvenor, Miller, Wright); Here I Lived So Well (Grosvenor, Harrison, Miller); Too Much of Nothing (Dylan); Sunshine Help Me (Wright); It's All About a Roundabout (Miller, Wright); Tobacco Road (Loudermilk); It Hurts You So (Miller, Wright); Forget It, I Got It (Miller, Wright); Bubbles (Grosvenor, Wright
2005 Bonus Tracks: Sunshine Help Me; Weird; Love Really Changed Me [mono]; Luger's Groove; The Weight; Do Right People; Bubbles [mono]
 | It's All About | 1968 | CAN | LP | Island/Stone WIS 4704 | | - |
 | It's All About | 2005.07.04 | EU | CD | Repertoire REPUK 1073 | bonus tracks | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | GER | LP | Fontana 885 444 | | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | GER | LP | Island 85682IT | | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | JAP | LP | Fontana FOX 7003 | gfc, ins | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | JAP | LP PR | Island/King ICL22 | gfc, ins, obi | - |
 | It's All About | 1975 | JAP | LP PR | Island ILS-80342 | gfc, ins, obi | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | NZ | LP | Festival SFL933049 | | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | UK | LP | Island ILPS 9080 | | - |
 | It's All About | 1996.02.20 | UK | CD | Edsel | | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | USA | LP | Bell 6019 | | - |
 | It's All About | 1968 | USA | LP PR | Bell 6019 | wlp; mono | - |
Spooky Two |
1969 Album by Spooky Tooth
Original Album Tracks: Waitin' for the Wind (Grosvenor, Harrison, Wright); Feelin' Bad (Kellie, Wright); I've Got Enough Heartache (Kellie, Wright); Evil Woman (Weiss); Lost in My Dream (Wright); That Was Only Yesterday (Wright); Better by You, Better Than Me (Wright); Hangman Hang My Shell on a Tree (Wright
2005 Bonus Tracks: That Was Only Yesterday [mono single version]; Oh Pretty Woman; Waiting For The Wind [mono single version]; Feelin' Bad [mono single version]
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | ARG | LP | Philips 634 3015 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 2005 | EU | CD | Repertoire | bonus tracks | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | GER | LP | Island 85785 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | JAP | LP | Island ILS-40044 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | KOR | LP | World Record | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | NZ | LP | Festival SFL933265 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | OZ | LP | Festival SFL 933265 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | UK | LP | Island ILPS 9098 | gfc | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | USA | LP | Bell | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | USA | LP | A+M SP 4194 | | - |
 | Spooky Two | 1969 | USA | LP | A+M SP 3124 | | - |
 | Spooky Two / Beach Boys: Close Up | 1969 | USA | LP PR | AFRTS RL-9-0 | | * |
Ceremony: An Electronic Mass |
1970 Album by Spooky Tooth
Have Mercy (Henry, Wright); Jubilation (Henry, Wright); Confession (Henry, Wright); Prayer (Henry, Wright); Offering (Henry, Wright); Hosanna (Henry, Wright
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | FRA | LP | Philips 849 512 | gfc | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 2006 | FRA | CD | Minority | | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | GER | LP | Fontana 6444540 | | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | OZ | LP | Festival SFL-933864 | | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | UK | LP | Island LPS 9107 | gfc | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1998 | UK | CD | Edsel 565 | | - |
 | Ceremony / TYA:Cricklewood Green | 1969 | USA | LP PR | AFRTS RL-43-0 | | * |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | USA | 8T | A+M 8T 4225 | | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | USA | LP PR | A+M SP 4225 | wlp | - |
 | Ceremony: An Electronic Mass | 1969 | USA | LP | A+M SP 4225 | | - |
The Last Puff |
1970 Album by Spooky Tooth
Original Album Tracks: I Am The Walrus; Wrong Time; Something To Say; Nobody There At All; Down River; Son Of Your Father; Last Puff
2005 Bonus Tracks: Son Of Your Father [mono single version]; I've Got Enough Heartache [mono single version]; I Am The Walrus [mono single version]; Hangman Hang My Shell On A Tree [mono single version
 | It's All About | 1968 | CAN | LP | Island/Stone WIS 4704 | | - |
 | The Last Puff | 2005 | EU | CD | Repertoire | bonus tracks | - |
 | The Last Puff | 1975 | JAP | LP PR | Island ILS-80343 | gfc, ins, obi | - |
 | The Last Puff | 1970 | UK | LP | Island ILPS 9117 | | - |
 | The Last Puff | 1970 | USA | LP | A+M SP 4266 | | - |
Tobacco Road |
1970 Album by Spooky Tooth
 | Tobacco Road | 1971 | KOR | LP | | | - |
 | Tobacco Road | 1969 | OZ | LP | Island SIL934230 | | - |
 | Tobacco Road | 1971 | USA | LP | A+M SP 4300 | | - |
Under Open Skies |
1971 Album by Luther Grosvenor
Ride On; Here Comes The Queen; When I Met You; Love The Way; Waiting; Rocket; Under Open Skies
 | Under Open Skies | 1971 | CAN | LP | Island 9312 | | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1993 | EU | CD | Demon/Edsel CD364 | | * |
 | Under Open Skies | 2005 | EU | CDx2 | Gott GOTTCD019 | 2 bonus tracks | * |
 | Under Open Skies | 1971 | FRA | LP | Island 6396 008 | | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1971 | GER | LP | Island Ariola 85747 | | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1972 | JAP | LP PR | Island ICL 24 | OBI, insert, gfc | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1972 | JAP | LP | Island ICL 24 | OBI, insert, gfc | * |
 | Under Open Skies | 1971 | OZ | LP | Island SIL 934366 | gfc, sample stk; pink lbl | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1971.10.10 | UK | LP | Island ILPS 9169 | gfc | - |
 | Under Open Skies | 1971 | USA | LP | Island SMAS 9312 | gfc | * |
Widowmaker |
1975 Album by Widowmaker
Such a Shame; Pin a Rose On Me; On the Road; Straight Faced Fighter; Ain't Telling You Nothing; When I Met You; Leave The Kids Alone; Shine a Light On Me; Running Free; Got a Dream
 | Widowmaker | 1976.04.04 | CAN | LP | UA LA642-G | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 1976 | GER | LP PR | Polydor 2310 432 | wlp | * |
 | Widowmaker | 1976 | GER | LP | Polydor 2310 432 | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 1990 | GER | CD | Line JECD9.00858 | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 19?? | JAP | CD | | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 1976.04.04 | UK | LP | Jet LP15 | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 1976 | USA | 8T | UA EA-642-H | | - |
 | Widowmaker | 1976.04.04 | USA | LP | UA LA642-G | | - |
Too Late To Cry |
1976 Album by Widowmaker
Too Late To Cry; The Hustler; What a Way to Fall; Here Comes The Queen; Mean What You Say; Something I Can Do Without; Sign The Papers; Pushin' and Pullin'; Sky Blues
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977.04.04 | CAN | LP | UA LA723-G | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1990 | GER | CD | Line JECD9.00867 | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 19?? | JAP | CD | | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977 | JAP | LP PR | Jet-UA-King GP-546 | wlp | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977 | JAP | LP | Jet-UA-King GP-546 | obi; insert | * |
 | Too Late To Cry (test pressing) | 1977 | JAP | LP PR | Jet-UA-King GP-546 | test pressing | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977 | OZ | LP | UA L-36 296 | cis | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977 | UK | CT | Jet TCK 30038 | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977.04.04 | UK | LP | Jet UAG 30038 | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977 | USA | 8T | UA UA-EA-723-H | | - |
 | Too Late To Cry | 1977.04.04 | USA | LP | UA LA723-G | cis | - |
Rattlesnake Guitar |
1995 Album by Luther Grosvenor
In 1995, Luther got together with Mike Kellie and Jess Roden to contribute a couple tracks to this Peter Green tribute CD. They recorded two songs, Merry Go Round and Crying Won't Bring You Back. Two promo sampler CDs were release to promote the collection, and each contained one of Luther Grosvenor's tracks. The EU releases on the Semaphore label were retitled The Peter Green Songbook and released as two separate volumes.
 | Peter Green Songbook Volume 1 | 1995 | EU | CD | Semaphore 324744222 | | - |
 | Peter Green Songbook Volume 2 | 1995 | EU | CD | Semaphore 324744222 | | - |
 | Rattlesnake Guitar | 1995 | UK | CDx2 | Coast to Coast CTC 0205 | | * |
 | Blues Radio Sampler | 1995 | USA | CDS PR | Viceroy RATTLE1 | | * |
 | Rattlesnake Guitar | 1995 | USA | CDx2 | Viceroy 32473/74 | | * |
 | Special Advance Sampler | 1995 | USA | CDS PR | Viceroy SNAKE1 | | * |
 | Man Of The World Reflections On Peter Green | 2003.11.04 | USA | LP | Audio Fidelity AFLP011 | audiophile | - |
 | Man Of The World Reflections On Peter Green | 2003.11.04 | USA | SACD | Audio Fidelity AFZ011 | audiophile | - |
Floodgates |
1996 Album by Luther Grosvenor
Evesham Boy; Best Years of My Life; Floodgates [(studio version)]; Fullness of Time; I Wanna Be Free; Ninsky Prospect; Loneliest Boy in Town; Fire Down Below; Cathy; Floodgates [(live version)]
 | Floodgates | 1996.08.15 | EU | CD | Ruf/Brilliant | | - |
 | Floodgates | 1996.08.15 | USA | CD | Ruf/Brilliant RBCD 1007-2 | | * |
 | Floodgates Sampler | 1996.08.15 | USA | CDS PR | Ruf/Brilliant BRITE1 AAA | | * |
Cross Purpose |
1999 Album by Spooky Tooth
That Was Only Yesterday (Wright); Tears (Reed); Throw Me A Line (Grosvenor; Dolan); It's You Girl (Message To Deborah) (Ridley); Love Is Real (Harrison); Sunshine (Wallinger); How (Kellie); Send Me Some Lovin' (Price; Marascalco); I Can't Believe (traditional); Kiss It Better (Grosvenor; Harrison; Kellie; Ridley)
Plans for a Spooky Tooth reunion album were initiated in 1997. Luther Grosvenor, Mike Harrison , Greg Ridley, and Mike Kellie went into FFG Studios in Gloucester in July, and three tracks were finished: Mike Kellie's How, the group composition Kiss It Better, and Sunshine (written by Karl Wallinger of World Party). Additional sessions were planned for October 1997, but the physical distance between the group members made rehearsals difficult and the plans fell apart. With no new material in sight, plans were laid for a 1998 album called Sunshine, which would combine the three new studio tracks with a 1968 BBC live concert and an unreleased Deep Feeling track. But when the Ruf organization heard the new material, they asked asked the band to record more material, and agreed to shoulder the cost of bringing the band to Adapoe Sound in Weimar, Germany. Grosvenor, Harrison, Ridley, and Kellie spent September 12-20, 1998 recording seven new tracks for the album. The disc album finally surfaced in February 1999 as Cross Purpose, released in both the USA and Europe.
 | Cross Purpose | 1999.02.23 | GER | CD | Ruf 1030 | | * |
 | Cross Purpose | 1999.02.23 | USA | CD | Ruf 5146 1445-2 | | * |
Live In Europe |
2001 Album by Spooky Tooth
Sunshine Help Me (Wright); Too Much Of Nothing (Dylan); Feelin' Bad (Kellie; Wright); The Weight (Robertson); I Can't Quit Her (Kooper; Levine); Blues Town (Harrison; King; Wright) - Spooky Tooth [1968 BBC live tracks]; Pretty Colours (unknown) - Deep Feeling [previously unreleased]; Sunshine (Wallinger); How (Kellie) - Spooky Tooth [early mixes from Cross Purpose sessions]; Better By You, Better Than Me; Soulful Lady [Unidentified live bonus tracks]
The aborted 1998 album Sunshine finally surfaced in 2001 with a change in title. The two tracks from Cross Purpose are original mixes, before overdubs. The Deep Feeling track is previously unreleased, and is an interesting pseudo-psychedelic artifact.
 | Live In Europe | 2001 | USA | CD | Blue Storm 670211-3002-2 | | * |
Floodgates Anthology |
2001 Album by Luther Grosvenor
Evesham Boy (Grosvenor; Ledsome); Best Years Of My Life (Grosvenor; Ledsome); Floodgates (Grosvenor; Ledsome); Fullness Of Time (Kellie); I Wanna Be Free (Tex); Ninsky Prospect (Grosvenor; Ledsome); Loneliest Man In Town (Grosvenor; Ledsome); Fire Down Below (Seger); Cathy (Moore); Floodgates (acoustic) (Grosvenor; Ledsome) [Solo tracks from Floodgates]; Crying Won't Bring You Back (Green); Merry Go Round (Green) [Solo tracks from Rattlesnake Guitar]; Sunshine (Wallinger); Kiss It Better (Grosvenor; Harrison; Kellie; Ridley); How (Kellie) [Spooky Tooth tracks from Cross Purpose]; Pretty Colours (unknown) [Deep Feeling track]; Here Comes The Queen (live) (Grosvenor) [Mott The Hoople live track]
 | Floodgates Anthology | 2001 | UK | CD | Angel Air SJPCD088 | | * |
StraightFaced Fighters |
2002 Album by Widowmaker
Disc One: Such a Shame; Pin a Rose On Me; On the Road; Straight Faced Fighter; Ain't Telling You Nothing; When I Met You; Leave The Kids Alone; Shine a Light On Me; Running Free; Got a Dream [Tracks from Widowmaker allbum
Disc Two: Come On Up; Such A Shame; Too Late; El Doomo; Ain't Telling You Nothing; When I Met You; Too Late To Cry [BBC In Concert tracks]; The Hustler; Here Comes The Queen; Something I Can Do Without; Sign The Papers; Pushing And Pulling [Tracks from Too Late To Cry]
A nice two-CD compilation of tracks from their two albums, plus a previously unreleased BBC In Concert program. The live set was recorded with the original Steve Ellis lineup at the Paris Theatre, London UK in 1976, and hosted by Brian Matthew. El Doomo is a song from Steve Ellis' prior band, Ellis.