Newspaper & Magazine Articles |
This magazine and newspaper index has been compiled from many different sources, and includes feature articles as well as smaller items like concert reviews, news items, and record and CD reviews. When known, the issue date, type, title, and author are listed. If you have any additional information about any of these articles, or know of any others that are not listed, please feel free to pass the information along.
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1974 |
1974 | Hit Parader Annual (US) | article | | (Winter 1974/75 issue) |  |
1974.10 | Hit Parader (US) | book review | | Diary Of A Rock And Roll Star [by Robinson] |  |
1974.12.14 | New Musical Express (UK) | news item | | Mott's Ian Hunter Recording Solo Set [by n/a] | |
1975 |
1975 | Bravo (Germany) | poster |  | Hunter/Ronson pinup on back cover (issue #347) |  |
1975 | Hit Parader (US) | article | | Ian Hunter [by Robinson] |  |
1975 | (unknown) | gig review | | Just Like The Good Old Days (1975.03.19 Friar's, Aylesbury UK) [by Kris Needs] | |
1975 | (unknown) | article | | How Mr. Hunter Set Mr. Ronson Alight [by Bob Hart] | |
1975 | Vitva (Sweden) | unknown |  | unknown |  |
1975 | Billboard (US) | gig review | | 1975.05.01 Felt Forum, New York NY [by Jim Stephens] |  |
1975 | Record Mirror (UK) | LP review | | Ian Hunter [by Ray Fox-Cumming] | |
1975.01 | Extra (France) | article |  | (Hunter/Ronson article) |  |
1975.01.04 | New Musical Express (UK) | article |  | Hunter: I Have Nothing To Say - Exclusive |  |
1975.01.11 | Sounds (UK) | news item | | Hunter / Ronson Plan Roadwork [by n/a] | |
1975.01.18 | Sounds (UK) | article | | The Last Ballad of Mott The Hoople [by Bill Henderson] | |
1975.01.25 | New Musical Express (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter Is Not As Rich As We Said He Was [by Richard & Lisa Robinson] | |
1975.02.08 | Pettcoat (UK) | article |  | Treat This Guy With Respect - He Make Have Just Sold a Million Records |  |
1975.02.22 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item | | onson/Hunter Gigs [by n/a] | |
1975.03 | Rock Scene (US) | news item | | Rock Scene Goes To A Brunch |  |
1975.03 | New Musical Express (UK) | gig review | | (1975.03.15 Exeter University, Exeter UK) [by Steve Clarke] | |
1975.03.01 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item | | (Photo and information about tour and band lineup) [by n/a] | |
1975.03.08 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item | | Hunter/Ronson (tour dates) [by n/a] |  |
1975.03.08 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item | | Taxman Hits Hunter Tour (tour dates) [by n/a] | |
1975.03.08 | Sounds (UK) | news item | | Boy! We Know Who It's About [by n/a] | |
1975.03.15 | New Musical Express (UK) | news item | | Hunter-Ronson Tour Starting [by n/a] | |
1975.03.22 | Disc (UK) | LP review | | Hunter - Terminal Rock 'n' Roller [by David Fudger] | |
1975.03.22 | Melody Maker (UK) | LP review | | Heartful Hunter (Ian Hunter) [by Chris Welch] | |
1975.03.22 | New Musical Express (UK) | LP review | | A Bunch Of Songs Looking For A Sound (Ian Hunter) [by Charles Shaar-Murray] | |
1975.03.22 | Sounds (UK) | LP review | | Hunter Turns Killer (Ian Hunter) [by Bill Henderson] | |
1975.03.29 | Disc (UK) | article | | Ian and Mick: Just Two Boys In a Rather Spectacular Band [by Rosalind Russell/Lon Goddard] | |
1975.03.29 | Disc (UK) | gig review | | 1975.03.19 Friars, Aylesbury UK [by Lon Goddard] | |
1975.03.29 | Melody Maker (UK) | gig review | | Hunter Ronson Works (1975.03.19 Friars, Aylesbury UK) [by Chris Welch] | |
1975.03.29 | Sounds (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter Talks and Talks and Talks and Talks [by Bill Henderson] | |
1975.04 | Circus Raves (US) | article |  | unknown |  |
1975.04 | ZigZag (UK) | poster |  | Ian Hunter Family Tree (Issue 51) [by Pete Frame] |  |
1975.04.05 | Melody Maker (UK) | article | | Hunter: I Wish I'd Split Mott Earlier [by Chris Welch] | |
1975.04.05 | New Musical Express (UK) | article | | Aargh! [by Charles Shaar-Murray] | |
1975.04.12 | New Musical Express (UK) | gig review |  | unknown |  |
1975.04.17 | Scene (US) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter LP |  |
1975.04.23 | Bugle American (US) | gig review |  | Playing Like a Royal Flush (1975.04.18 Milwaukee WI) [by Jay Lengnick] | |
1975.04.23 | Bugle American (US) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter LP [by Carol Line] | |
1975.04.24 | Scene (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Not The Hoople [by Jim Girard] | |
1975.05 | Phonograph Record (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter [by Greg Shaw] |  |
1975.05.03 | Melody Maker (UK) | article | | CBS Pledge To Push Hunter [by Chris Charlesworth] | |
1975.05.08 | Rolling Stone (US) | article |  | Hunter/Ronson: Not The Hoople [by Barbara Charone] | |
1975.05.11 | Ciao 2001 (Italy) | article |  | (two page Hunter/Ronson article) |  |
1975.05.17 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | A Bluffer's Guide To Ian Hunter | |
1975.05.31 | Disc (UK) | poster |  | Ian Hunter poster |  |
1975.06 | Phonograph Record (US) | article |  | Hunter/Ronson: From The Ashes of Mott [by Ken Barnes] | |
1975.06 | Jackie (UK) | article | | Pete Meets Ian Hunter: Love Me, Love My Dogs [by Pete] | |
1975.06 | Let It Rock (unknown) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter LP |  |
1975.06 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter LP |  |
1975.06.04 | Oor (Holland) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter LP |  |
1975.06.07 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | Holed Up In a Basement Studio Somewhere Near New York [by Ray Fox-Cumming] | |
1975.06.07 | Sounds (UK) | article | | Happy Hoople - Hunter's Hell | |
1975.06.12 | Street Life (UK) | article |  | The Original Mixed Up Kid Grows Up [by Bill Henderson] | |
1975.06.14 | Disc (UK) | article | | Once Bitten Ian 'Unter Fights Shy Of Tax Man [by David Fudger] | |
1975.06.14 | Melody Maker (UK) | article | | Till Death Do Us Part [by Chris Charlesworth] | |
1975.07 | Circus (US) | LP review | | Ian Hunter LP [by Gordon Fletcher] | |
1975.07 | Circus Raves (US) | article |  | Hunter-Ronson: Once Bitten, They're Twice Shy [by Ron Ross] | |
1975.07 | Creem (US) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter [by Wayne Robins] |  |
1975.08 | Circus (US) | article | | Pinups: Hunter and Ronson Tie The Knot [by Ron Ross] | |
1975.08 | Circus Raves (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: There's Nothing Wrong With Me Now [by Scott Cohen/Ron Ross] | |
1975.08 | Creem (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Through The Glasses Darkly [by John Ingham] | |
1975.08.15 | Disco Expres (Spain) | article |  | Otro Vuelo Solitaro |  |
1975.09 | Concert (US) | article |  | Pube Rock Cums of Age | |
1975.09 | Hit Parader (US) | article |  | The Ian Hunter Interview [by Lisa Robinson] | |
1975.09 | ZigZag (UK) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter [by Andy Childs] |  |
1975.09.19 | LA Free Press (US) | article | | Ian Hunter - The Mind of a Young Dude [by Justin Pierce] | |
1976 |
1976 | Los Angeles Times (US) | LP review | | All American Alien Boy [by Steve Pond] | |
1976 | Back Door Man (UK) | article |  | unknown (Issue 8) |  |
1976 | Way Ahead Nottingham (UK) | article |  | Ian Hunter and Itchy Feet (Issue 5) |  |
1976.04.29 | Scene (US) | LP review |  | All American Alien Boy LP |  |
1976.05.01 | Billboard (US) | LP review | | All American Alien Boy [by n/a] | |
1976.05.01 | Cashbox (US) | LP review | | All American Alien Boy [by n/a] | |
1976.05.01 | Melody Maker (UK) | LP review |  | There Are More Important Things Than Hit Records [by Harvey Kubernik] | |
1976.05.01 | Record World (US) | LP review | | All American Alien Boy LP [by n/a] | |
1976.05.15 | Billboard (US) | unknown | | unknown article |  |
1976.05.15 | Melody Maker (UK) | LP review | | Hunter Turns Up Trumps [by Allan Jones] | |
1976.05.15 | New Musical Express (UK) | LP review | | Dylan Opts Out Of Plastic Surgery [by Charles Shaar Murray] | |
1976.05.15 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | Hunter HIts His Peak [by David Brown] | |
1976.05.16 | Sounds (UK) | LP review |  | All American Alien Boy LP [by Barbara Charone] |  |
1976.05.24 | Village Voice (US) | LP review | | Ian Hunter: Alien On Main Street [by Paul Nelson] | |
1976.05.27 | Scene (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: American, Alien and Happy [by Jim Girard] | |
1976.05.29 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | Whitey from Blighty Heading West [by David Brown] | |
1976.06.02 | Oor (Holland) | LP review |  | All American Alien Boy LP [by Kees Baars] | |
1976.06.05 | Sounds (UK) | article | | Made in the Shades [by Barbara Charone] | |
1976.06.17 | Circus (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter As A Stranger In A Strange Land [by Dave Hickey] | |
1976.06.17 | Circus (US) | article |  | Longplayers: Ian Hunter Exiled On Main Street [by Paul Nelson] | |
1976.07 | Aylebury Roxette (UK) | news item | | Aylesbury Sets The Trend Says Hunter [by n/a] | |
1976.07 | Beat Instrumental (UK) | article |  | Alien Landing [by Chris Simmonds] |  |
1976.07 | Creem (US) | article |  | All American Alien Boy |  |
1976.07 | International Musician (UK) | article |  | unknown article |  |
1976.07.15 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | An Exile On Rock + Roll's Main Street [by Dave Marsh] | |
1976.07.17 | New Musical Express (UK) | article |  | Hunter Opts Out of Suicide Plan [by Charles Shaar Murray] | |
1976.07.31 | Sounds (UK) | single review |  | unknown |  |
1976.08 | Crawdaddy (US) | LP review |  | unknown |  |
1976.08 | Gig (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1976.08 | Music Gig (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter All Grown Up [by Susan Ahrens] | |
1976.08 | Rock and Folk (France) | LP review |  | All American Alien Boy LP |  |
1976.08 | ZigZag (UK) | article |  | That All-American Alien Boy [by Pete Frame] | |
1976.08 | Songwriting and Recording (unknown) | article |  | unknown |  |
1976.09 | Phonograph Record (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Reflections Of A Rock Star [by Lester Bangs] |  |
1976.11 | Hit Parader (US) | article | | Things Are Changing for Ian Hunter [by Jim Girard] | |
1976.11 | Hit Parader (US) | LP review | | All American Alien Boy [by James Spina] | |
1976.12 | Blast (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1976.12 | Rock and Beat Tranquilizer (Sweden) | article |  | At Last the 1968 Rock and Roll Revival [by Pintus Von Tell] | |
1977 |
1977.04 | Rock Around The World (US) | news item | | Hot Happenin's (Overnight Angels news) [by n/a] | |
1977.05 | Crawdaddy (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter's Overnight Demons [by Susan Ahrens] | |
1977.05.14 | New Musical Express (UK) | article |  | What a Hunter He Turned Out To Be [by Charles Shaar-Murray] | |
1977.05.14 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | Overnight Angel: Exclusive Ian Hunter Interview [by Jim Farber] | |
1977.05.21 | Melody Maker (UK) | article |  | Overnight Angels |  |
1977.05.28 | Sounds (UK) | LP review |  | Overnight Sensation (Overnight Angels) [by Giovanni Dadomo] | |
1977.06 | Creem (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Fights Boredom and Passes For David Byron [by Simon Frith] | |
1977.06.04 | New Musical Express (UK) | LP review | | Overweight Angels (Overnight Angels) [by Bob Edmands] | |
1977.06.04 | New Musical Express (UK) | single review | | Single of the Week: Justice of the Peace [by n/a] | |
1977.06.11 | Melody Maker (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1977.06.15 | Oor (Holland) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1977.06.18 | Melody Maker (UK) | gig review |  | Hunter Loses Track (Hammersmith Odeon, London 1977.06.12) [by Allan Jones] | |
1977.06.18 | New Musical Express (UK) | gig review | | Mutton Dressed Up As Lamb (1977.06.12 London UK) [by Charles Shaar-Murray] | |
1977.06.18 | Record Mirror (UK) | article |  | Hunter's New Success Scent [by Jim Evans] | |
1977.06.18 | Sounds (UK) | article | | Tales From The Alien Boy: Ian Hunter Talks [by Giovanni Dadomo] | |
1977.06.18 | Sounds (UK) | gig review | | Hunter: It Just Had To Be Special (1977.06.03 Newcastle UK) [by Phil Sutcliffe] | |
1977.07 | Album Tracking (US) | LP review |  | Overnight Angels LP [by John Shearlaw] | |
1977.07 | Album Tracking (US) | article |  | The Controversial Ian Hunter Back in London for the Buzz [by David Redshaw] | |
1977.07 | Beat Instrumental (UK) | LP review |  | Overnight Angels LP |  |
1977.07 | Gig (UK) | article | | Back Into The Mainstream With Overnight Angels [by Jim Farber] | |
1977.07.07 | Circus (US) | article |  | Hunter's Overnight Angels [by Fred Schruers] | |
1977.07.08 | Disco Expres (Spain) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1977.09 | Best (France) | LP review |  | Overnight Angels LP |  |
1977.09 | Trouser Press (US) | LP review |  | Overnight Angels LP (Issue 21) |  |
1977.11 | Crawdaddy (US) | LP review | | It's Now Or Never (Overnight Angels) [by Ira Robbins] | |
1977.12.02 | National Rock Star (UK) | article | | Hunter House Blaze [by n/a] | |
1978 |
1978 | Rock Scene (US) | gig review | | Wild Night In Cleveland (Boyzz: 1978.10.13 Agora, Cleveland OH) [by n/a] | |
1978 | Fad (Australia) | article |  | unknown | |
1978 | Fad (OZ) | article | | unknown |  |
1978.12.14 | Rolling Stone (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Meets The E Street Band [by James Henke] | |
1978.12.28 | Rolling Stone (US) | news item |  | Random Notes (Hunter/Ronson at 1978.10.13 Cleveland OH Boyzz gig) | |
1979 |
1979 | Billboard (US) | LP review | | Closeup: Schizophrenic [by Jim McCullaugh] | |
1979 | Billboard (US) | gig review | | Talent In Action (1979.06.28 Palladium New York NY) [by Roman Kozak] | |
1979 | Circus (US) | article | | Schizophrenic Marks The Return Of The Hunter [by David Fricke] | |
1979 | Los Angeles Times (US) | article | | Ian Hunter: Bringing It Home [by Richard Cromelin] | |
1979 | Rock Scene (US) | gig review | | Hunter / Ronson Celebrate (1979.11.22 Hammersmith, London UK) [by n/a] | |
1979 | Rock Scene (US) | article | | Cleveland Rocks! Ian Hunter Gets A Little Help From His Friends [by n/a] | |
1979 | Rock Scene (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter Rocks After Dark ( 1979 or 1980 Ritz, New York NY) [by Bob Gruen] | |
1979 | Rock Scene (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter Isn't Alone At The Palladium (Palladium, New York NY) [by Patti Giordano] | |
1979 | (unknown) | news item | | You're Never Alone With Ian Hunter (Schizophrenic news) | |
1979 | Aquarian (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Faces the Music |  |
1979.01.13 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1979.02.05 | Disco Expres (Spain) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1979.03 | Imagine (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter [by Larry Jaffee] | |
1979.04.07 | Melody Maker (UK) | article |  | Good News from Nowhere [by Harry Doherty] | |
1979.04.07 | Melody Maker (UK) | LP review |  | Hunter Comes Up For a Third Time (Schizophrenic) [by Simon Frith] | |
1979.04.14 | New Musical Express (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1979.04.14 | Record Mirror (UK) | LP review |  | unknown | |
1979.04.14 | Sounds (UK) | LP review | | Schizophrenic |  |
1979.04.19 | Scene (US) | article |  | Schizophrenic Separates the Man from the Boys [by Jim Girard] | |
1979.04.21 | Sounds (UK) | article |  | The Dear Hunter |  |
1979.05 | ZigZag (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1979.05.12 | Cashbox (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Gets New Label and LP |  |
1979.05.16 | Oor (Holland) | LP review | | unknown |  |
1979.05.22 | Rocky (Germany) | article |  | unknown |  |
1979.06 | Rock and Folk (France) | LP review |  | unknown |  |
1979.06 | Trouser Press (US) | article |  | unknown (Issue 39) |  |
1979.06.14 | Rolling Stone (US) | article |  | The Changing Moods Of Ian Hunter [by Scott Isler] | |
1979.06.15 | Oor (Holland) | unknown |  | unknown |  |
1979.06.28 | Scene (US) | gig review | | Live In Concert (1979.06.19 Palace, Cleveland OH) [by Mark Holan] | |
1979.06.28 | Scene (US) | news item | | (inside photo and item about Ian receiving key to city of Cleveland) [by n/a] | |
1979.07 | Musiek Expres (Holland) | article |  | (2-page Ian Hunter article) |  |
1979.07 | Prairie Sun (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Interviewed [by Bruce Hughes] | |
1979.07.07 | Melody Maker (UK) | gig review |  | Caught In The Act (Palladium, New York NY) [by Harry Doherty] | |
1979.07.10 | Los Angeles Times (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter's Smart Boogie (1979.07.08 Santa Monica CA) [by Richard Cromelin] | |
1979.07.11 | Variety (US) | gig review |  | unknown |  |
1979.07.25 | Drummer (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter On His Own [by Fred Trietsch] | |
1979.07.26 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | Ian Hunter, Steve Forbert: Autumn Fire, Spring Fever [by Paul Nelson] | |
1979.08 | Subway News (US) | gig review |  | No Shades (1979.06 Paradise, Boston MA) [by n/a] | |
1979.08 | (unknown) | gig review | | Philly Rocks and Disco Sucks (1979.07.28 Spectrum, Philadelphia PA) [by Bill Taylor] | |
1979.08 | Record Review (US) | article |  | Record Review Interview: Ian Hunter [by Jeff Tamarkin] | |
1979.08.23 | Rolling Stone (US) | gig review |  | Ian Hunter's Rock And Roll Heart (1979.06.28 Palladium, New York NY) [by David Fricke] | |
1979.09 | Ampersand (US) | gig review |  | unknown |  |
1979.09 | Columbus OH Dispatch (US) | gig review | | 6 Man Hunter Band Rocks The Rafters [by Jeff Borden] | |
1979.09 | Oor (Holland) | article |  | unknown |  |
1979.09.27 | Scene (US) | gig review |  | (1979.09.22 Richfield Coliseum, Cleveland OH) [by Mark Holan] | |
1979.10 | Hit Parader (US) | article |  | Cleveland Rocks! Ian Hunter Gets A Little Help From His Friends [by Richard Robinson] | |
1979.10 | Music Life (Japan) | article |  | unknown |  |
1979.10 | Pop Rok (Greece) | article |  | unknown | |
1979.11 | Creem (US) | news item |  | Star Cars #52: Ian Hunter [by n/a] | |
1979.11.01 | Scene (US) | news item |  | (cover photo of Ian receiving key to city of Cleveland) [by n/a] | |
1979.11.17 | New Musical Express (UK) | single review |  | Cleveland Rocks |  |
1979.11.24 | Sounds (UK) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1979.12 | Grooves (USA) | article |  | Ultra-Hot and Loaded With Hits [by Balfour] | |
1979.12 | International Musician (UK) | article |  | The Hunter - Ronson Connection |  |
1979.12.01 | Melody Maker (UK) | gig review |  | (1979.11.22 Hammersmith, London UK) |  |
1979.12.15 | New Musical Express (UK) | article |  | Ian Hunter (Vocals) & Mick Ronson (Guitar) [by Nick Kent] | |
1980 |
1980 | Hit Parader Annual (US) | article | | Cleveland Rocks |  |
1980 | Mesa Republic (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter's Rock Gets An Audience On Its Feet (1980 Mesa AZ) [by Andrew Means] | |
1980 | Recording World (unknown) | article | | Hunter/Ronson: A Producing Team [by Steve Weitzmann] | |
1980 | Rock Scene (US) | news item | | Seventeen Candles For Roy Thomas Baker | |
1980 | (unknown) | article | | Ian Hunter: Riding The Crest of a Winning Wave [by Len Noel] | |
1980 | (unknown) | article | | Ian Hunter: Zwischen Up and Down | |
1980 | Guerin Sportivo (Italy) | article |  | Il 33 Della Settimana (Album of the Week) |  |
1980 | Musikexpress (Germany) | article |  | (2-page Hunter-Ronson article) |  |
1980 | Musikexpress (Greece) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980 | New Musical Express (UK) | LP review | | Shades of Ian Hunter [by Bob Edmands] | |
1980.01 | Creem (US) | article |  | Destruction Through Motion [by Jeffrey Morgan] | |
1980.01 | International Musician (UK) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980.01 | Rock Scene (US) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980.02 | Beat Instrumental (UK) | article |  | Tony Horkins Tracks Down The Great White Hunter [by Tony Horkins] | |
1980.02 | Trouser Press (US) | LP review |  | Hit and Run: Shades of Ian Hunter (Issue 47) |  |
1980.02.23 | Melody Maker (UK) | LP review |  | unknown |  |
1980.03 | Musician's Industry (US) | article |  | Hunter and Ronson: Rock and Roll Reflections [by Steve Caraway] | |
1980.03 | Sounds (Germany) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Rock 'n' Roll Ist Ein Ziemlich Alberner Beruf [by Ingeborg Schober] | |
1980.04 | Beat Instrumental (UK) | unknown |  | unknown |  |
1980.04.05 | New Musical Express (UK) | LP review |  | Welcome To The Club [by Charles Shaar Murray] |  |
1980.04.12 | Billboard (US) | LP review |  | Live/Welcome To The Club [by Jim McCullaugh] | |
1980.04.12 | Record Mirror (UK) | LP review |  | Welcome To The Club, Shades Of Ian Hunter [by Ronnie Gurr] | |
1980.04.23 | Oor (Holland) | LP review |  | unknown |  |
1980.04.26 | Record Mirror (UK) | gig review |  | unknown |  |
1980.05 | Beat Instrumental (UK) | unknown |  | unknown |  |
1980.05 | Orange Rock (US) | article |  | unknown (local Orange County CA magazine) |  |
1980.05 | Trouser Press (US) | LP review |  | Hit and Run: Welcome ToThe Club (Issue 50) |  |
1980.05 | Rockerilla (Italy) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980.05.03 | Billboard (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Closeup |  |
1980.05.29 | Oakland Tribune (US) | gig review | | Rock's Ian Hunter Can Still Conjure Up His Own Magic (Old Waldorf, SF CA) [by Larry Kelp] | |
1980.06 | (unknown) | gig review | | 1980.06.14 Uncle Sam's, Cheektowaga NY [by Brian Dickman] | |
1980.06 | Spectator (Belgium) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980.07 | Box Office (US) | article |  | unknown |  |
1980.07.10 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | Welcome To The Club [by Swenson] | |
1980.07.22 | Circus (US) | article |  | Hunter Gets Captured By His Own Game [by Richard Hogan] | |
1980.08 | College Media Journal (US) | article |  | Alone Witrh a Schizophrenic: The Ian Hunter Interview [by Maryanne Meyers] | |
1980.08 | Relix (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Captures The Game [by Marianne Meyer] | |
1980.08 | Trouser Press (US) | article |  | Hunter Remembers (Issue 53) [by Jon Young] | |
1980.08.07 | Rolling Stone (US) | gig review |  | Ian Hunter Returns To The Club (1980.05.29 Los Angeles CA) [by Barry Alfonso] | |
1980.09 | Musiek Expres (Holland) | article |  | (Hunter-Ronson article) |  |
1980.09 | Nuevo Sound (Italy) | unknown | | unknown |  |
1980.10 | Musician (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Resurrected [by Roy Trakin] |  |
1980.10.02 | Scene (US) | article |  | Hungren? Runter? Todd / Ian To Benefit Anderson [by n/a] | |
1980.10.18 | Melody Maker (UK) | news item | | U.S. News: Hunter On (Hunter/Rundgren tour) |  |
1980.10.22 | (unknown) | gig review | | Two Rockers Make Fundraising Fun (1980.10.22 Uncle Sams, Cheektowaga NY) [by Dale Anderson] | |
1980.11.27 | Rolling Stone (US) | news item |  | Random Notes (Ian Hunter/Todd Rundgren tour) [by n/a] | |
1981 |
1981 | Toronto Star (Canada) | article | | British Rocker Should Come Down To Earth [by Henry Mietkiewicz] | |
1981 | (unknown) | gig review | | Short Back 'n' Sides Material Goes Unshorn (1981.09.30 Uncle Sam's, Cheektowaga NY) [by Dale Anderson] | |
1981 | (unknown) | gig review | | Ian Hunter: Captivated By The Game (1981.08.08 101 Club, London UK) [by Paul Tickell] | |
1981.03 | Rock Scene (US) | article | | unknown |  |
1981.03.11 | Oor (Holland) | news item |  | unknown (Issue 5) |  |
1981.04.02 | Rolling Stone (US) | news item |  | Random Notes (Ian Hunter/Mick Jones) [by n/a] | |
1981.08.26 | Oor (Holland) | gig review |  | unknown (Issue 17) |  |
1981.08.29 | New Musical Express (UK) | gig review | | unknown |  |
1981.08.30 | Oakland Tribune (US) | LP review | | Ian Hunter Plays Heart Rock (Short Back n' Sides [by Larry Kelp] | |
1981.09.18 | Philadelphia Journal (US) | news item | | Ian Hunter (1981.09.18 Brandywine Club, Chadd's Ford PA gig notice) [by Chuck Darrow] | |
1981.09.24 | Whitt (Glassboro State) (US) | article | | Hunter Promises High Energy Set [by Laura Ammaturo] | |
1981.10 | International Musician (UK) | article | | Hunter Pursued [by Tony Horkins] | |
1981.10 | Music Express (Canada) | article | | Riding Shotgun at Central Park [by Keith Sharp] | |
1981.10 | Oakland Tribune (US) | gig review | | Hunter's Songs All Personal And Powerful (1981.10 Old Waldorf, SF CA) [by Larry Kelp] | |
1981.10 | Relix (US) | gig review |  | 1979.09.11 Dr. Pepper Festival, New York NY [by Stephanie Finnegan] | |
1981.10 | Scene (US) | article | | New Album, New Band |  |
1981.10 | ZigZag (UK) | article |  | Return of the Hunter [by Kris Needs] | |
1981.10 | Oor (Holland) | article |  | unknown (Issue 19) |  |
1981.10.01 | Buscadero (Italy) | LP review | | unknown |  |
1981.10.01 | Whitt (Glassboro State) (US) | gig review | | Not Just Another Night (1981.09.27 Glassboro St., Glassboro NJ) [by Laura Ammaturo] | |
1981.10.11 | Los Angeles Times (US) | LP review | | Short Back n' Sides [by Waller] |  |
1981.10.24 | Los Angeles Times (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter - Nothing Out Of The Category (1981.10.22 Los Angeles CA) [by Terry Atkinson] | |
1981.10.29 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | Short Back n' Sides [by David Fricke] | |
1981.11 | Creem (US) | article |  | Creem's Profiles: Ian Hunter [by n/a] | |
1981.11 | Sweet Potato (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter [by Carrie B. Cooper] | |
1981.11.30 | Circus (US) | article |  | Short Back 'n' Sides LP |  |
1981.12 | Music Sound Output (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: The Perennial Rocker Rocks On [by Toby Goldstein] | |
1981.12 | Rock and Folk (France) | article | | unknown |  |
1981.12 | Trouser Press (US) | LP review |  | Short Back n' Sides (Issue 68) |  |
1981.12 | Popular (Poland) | article | | Estrella De Brixton | |
1981.12.10 | Rolling Stone (US) | news item |  | Random Notes (Coalition to Ban Handguns) [by n/a] | |
1982 |
1982 | Billboard (US) | news item | | picture and short notice about Deerhunter benefit [by n/a] | |
1982.01 | Creem (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Likes Rock n Roll [by Bill Holdship] | |
1982.01 | Hit Parader (US) | article | | Ian Hunter: A Moveable Feast [by Liz Derringer] | |
1982.01.01 | Buscadero (Italy) | article | | unknown |  |
1982.03 | Conecte (Mexico) | article |  | Entrevista Con Un Sobreviviente Del Rock [by Wilson Aguilar] | |
1982.03 | Trouser Press (US) | LP review |  | Hunter Times Eight Short Back n' Sides (Issue 71) [by n/a] | |
1982.06 | On Music & Media (US) | gig review |  | (1982.05.?? The Ritz, New York NY) [by Ellen Zoe Golden] | |
1983 |
1983 | Musikexpress (Germany) | article | | Blind Date (Ian picks top ten singles) [by n/a] | |
1983.06 | Island Ear (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: The Island Ear Interview [by Alvin Eng] | |
1983.07.02 | Billboard (US) | LP review |  | All of the Good Ones Are Taken LP |  |
1983.08 | Creem (US) | LP review |  | All The Good Ones Are Taken [by Laura Fissinger] | |
1983.08 | Kerrang (UK) | article |  | Die Hard The Hunter (Issue #49) [by Neil Jeffries] | |
1983.08.13 | Oor (Holland) | news item |  | unknown |  |
1983.08.14 | Los Angeles Times (US) | LP review | | All The Good Ones Are Taken [by Steve Pond] | |
1983.09 | Tiger Beat Star (US) | article | | unknown |  |
1983.09 | Music Paper (US) | article |  | At Least One Good One Is Left: Ian Hunter [by Jennifer Shields] | |
1983.09.01 | Buscadero (Italy) | LP review | | unknown |  |
1983.09.29 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | All of the Good Ones Are Taken [by Parke Puterbaugh] | |
1983.11 | International Musician (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter: Soul Searcher Thinks For Himself [by Bill Flanagan] | |
1983.12 | Creem (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Some Of The Good Ones Are Still Kicking [by Iman Lababedi] | |
1983.12 | Hit Parader (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Made In The Shades [by Jodi Summers] | |
1986 |
1986.10.10 | Ottawa Citizen (Canada) | article | | Mott The Hoople Star Back On Tour [by Tim O'Connor] | |
1987 |
1987.12.12 | New Musical Express (UK) | news item | | Morrissey And Noddy Join Mott-ly Crew (Ian Hunter TV documentary) | |
1988 |
1988 | (unknown) | gig review | | All The (Not So) Young Dudes (1989.11.01 Cannery, Nashville TN) [by Derek Oliver] | |
1988.11 | Scene (US) | article | | Mr. Cleveland Rocks |  |
1988.11.19 | New Musical Express (UK) | article | | Recall The Young Dude [by Paul O'Mahoney] | |
1988.12.01 | Scene (US) | gig review | | 1988.11.25 Agora Cleveland OH |  |
1989 |
1989 | Rave-Up (US) | article |  | Hunter-Ronson Band Interview (issue #16) [by Liz London] | |
1989 | (unknown) | article | | Ian Hunter (Japanese language) [by Gaku Tori] | |
1989 | Speed Of Sound (unknown) | news item | | SpeedTrap (YUI Orta announcement) | |
1989.02 | (unknown) | gig review | | All The Old Dudes (1989.02.16 Dominion, London UK) [by Arthur Bristow] | |
1989.09.07 | Rolling Stone (US) | news item |  | Random Notes (Just Wanna Hold video) [by n/a] |  |
1989.10.26 | Scene (US) | article |  | A Conversation With Ian Hunter [by Mark Holan] | |
1989.11.09 | Scene (US) | gig review | | Live Wire (1989.11.04 Agora, Cleveland OH) [by Lee Barrish] | |
1989.11.10 | Philadelphia Enquirer (US) | news item | | Rocker Ian Hunter At The Chestnut (1989.11.08 Philadelphia PA) [by Scott Brodeur] | |
1989.11.23 | Music Connection (US) | article | | Vault Management: The Hunter-Ronson Connection |  |
1990 |
1990.01 | Kerrang (UK) | article | | YU ORTA Buy It (YUI ORTA) #273 |  |
1990.01.07 | Los Angeles Times (US) | LP review | | City Boy' Returns To His Roots (YUI ORTA) [by Richard Cromelin] | |
1990.01.18 | LA Weekly (US) | gig review | | Ian Hunter And Mick Ronson (1989.12.13 Palace, Hollywood CA) [by Bill Holdship] | |
1990.02 | (unknown) | gig review | | Hunter/Ronson (1990.02.16 Hammersmith, London UK) [by Antony Thorncraft] | |
1990.02 | (unknown) | gig review | | Hunter/Ronson (1990.02.16 Hammersmith, London UK) [by Carol Clerk] | |
1990.02 | Metal Hammer (Germany) | gig review | | Live On Stage (1990.02.01 Alter Watersaal, Cologne Germany) [by Oliver Klemm] | |
1990.02.08 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review |  | YUI ORTA [by Paul Evans] | |
1990.02.10 | Kerrang (UK) | article | | Golden Ageds Of Rock N Roll (Issue #278) [by Ray Zell] | |
1990.02.12 | Times (UK) | news item | | All The Old Dudes [by David Sinclair] | |
1990.02.21 | Jam Rag (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter Discusses the Past, Present and Future [by Rex Rutkoski] | |
1990.03 | Sounds (UK) | article | | Old Dudes Never Die |  |
1990.03.03 | Sounds (UK) | article | | The Artful Codgers [by Grahame Bent] | |
1993 |
1993 | (unknown) | gig review | | (1993.08.13, The Forum, London UK) [by Adrian Devoy] | |
1994 |
1994.03 | Guitar (US) | news item | | Ian Hunter and Ricky Byrd [by Greg Dulli & Martha Reeves] | |
1994.07 | Q (UK) | article |  | Diary Of A Rock And Roll Star Part Two [by Hunter] | |
1995 |
1995.03 | Beat (Norway) | CD review | | Ian Hunter's Dirty laundry CD (two reviews) | |
1995.03 | Stavanger Aftenblad (Norway) | CD review | | Ian Hunter's Dirty laundry CD | |
1995.03.14 | VG (Norway) | CD review | | Ian Hunter Interview [by Stein Ostbo] | |
1995.03.15 | Dagbladen (Norway) | CD review | | Ian Hunter's Dirty laundry CD [by Anders Gronneberg] | |
1996 |
1996 | Bob (US) | article |  | All The Old Dudes (issue 53 Fall 1996) [by Anderson] | |
1996 | (unknown) | article | | Why Is Cleveland Rocking Without Ian Hunter? [by Henri Petras] | |
1996 | Kerrang (UK) | CD review | | Ian Hunter's Dirty Laundry CD [by Ray Zell] | |
1996.07 | Record Collector (UK) | CD review | | BBC Live In Concert CD [by PD] | |
1996.10 | Mojo (UK) | book review | | The Gentleman Of The Road [by Rob Chapman] |  |
1996.10 | Q (UK) | book review | | Got Up. Rocked. (Diary Of A Rock And Roll Star) [by Eccleston] |  |
1997 |
1997 | Uncut (UK) | article | | Consuming Passions: Ian Hunter [by n/a] | |
1997.01 | Rolling Stone (Germany) | article | | (Rare Trax CD includes Too Much) [by n/a] | |
1997.03 | Musikexpress (Germany) | CD review | | The Artful Dodger [by ET] | |
1997.03 | Rolling Stone (Germany) | CD review | | The Artful Dodger [by Jorg Feyer] | |
1997.04 | Making Music (UK) | article |  | Ian Hunter [by Andy Basire] | |
1997.04 | Musikexpress (Germany) | article | | Der Steher [by KGR] | |
1997.04 | Rolling Stone (Germany) | article | | Mude Von Der Jago [by Gitti Gulden] | |
1997.04.20 | Independent (UK) | article | | Old Dude With A Monster Hit [by n/a] | |
1997.05 | Fachblat (Germany) | article | | Ian Hunter [by MA] | |
1997.05 | Q (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter: Questionnaire [by Johnson] | |
1997.05 | Record Collector (UK) | article |  | Ian Hunter interview [by Campbell Devine] | |
1997.05.01 | Daily Telegraph (UK) | article | | Return of the Not-So-Young Dude [by Neil McCormick] | |
1997.06 | Uncut (UK) | gig review | | All The Old Dudes [by Tony Horkins] | |
1997.07.01 | Independent (UK) | article | | Music Made In Heaven [by Andrew G. Marshall] | |
1997.10 | Mojo (UK) | gig review | | Wish You Were Here (Ronson Memorial II review) [by Ian Hunter] |  |
1997.10.13 | Hastings Observer (UK) | gig review | | Old Dude's Still Rocking 25 Years On [by Andy Sibson] | |
1999 |
1999.06 | StereoPlay (Germany) | CD review | | The Secret Sessions CD [by Lothar Brandt] | |
1999.07 | Classic Rock (UK) | gig review | | (1999.04.23 Astoria, London UK) [by Essi Berelian] | |
1999.12 | Vintage Guitar (US) | article | | Ian Hunter: Ity;s Mightly Long Way Down Rock and Roll [by Tom Guerra] | |
2000 |
2000 | Classic Rock (UK) | news item | | Back on the Hunt (Classic Rock contest winner) [by n/a] | |
2000 | Goldmine (USA) | CD review | | Missing In Action CD [by Sean Egan] | |
2000.05.19 | Express and Star (UK) | article | | Ian's Enthusiastic Return [by Andy Donkersley] | |
2000.06 | Mojo (UK) | news item | | Ian Hunter (tour notice) [by n/a] | |
2000.06 | Mojo (UK) | news item | | Ian Hunter (tour notice) [by n/a] | |
2000.06 | Q (UK) | news item | | Ian Hunter (tour notice) [by n/a] | |
2000.06 | Record Mart & Buyer (UK) | CD review | | Once Bitten Twice Shy [by n/a] | |
2000.08 | Classic Rock (UK) | gig review | | (2000.05.20 Astoria, London UK) [by Essi Berelian] | |
2000.09 | Record Collector (UK) | CD review | | Missing In Action CD [by Andy Neill] | |
2001 |
2001.05.27 | Independent (UK) | article | | Me and My Kit [by Oliver Bennett] | |
2001.05.30 | Footloose (UK) | article |  | Born To Bitch: Why Ian Hunter's Still Angry [by Matt Walker] | |
2001.06 | Mojo (UK) | news item | | Ian Hunter (tour notice) [by n/a] | |
2001.06 | Q (UK) | CD review | | Rant [by James McNair] |  |
2001.06 | What's On (UK) | news item | | Ian Hunter (2001.06.11 Roadmenders, Northampton UK) | |
2001.06.01 | Manchester Evening News (UK) | article | | Cool Dude! [by Kevin Bourke] | |
2001.06.04 | Northampton Herald + Post (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter |  |
2001.06.08 | Birmingham Evening Mail (UK) | gig review | | Hunter Still Going Strong |  |
2001.06.13 | Guardian (UK) | article | | All The Old Dudes [by Dave Simpson] | |
2001.06.14 | Soundcheck Live (UK) | gig review | | Ian Hunter Band (BBC TeleText) [by Paul Grunill] |  |
2001.06.23 | Guardian (UK) | article | | I Lost My Heart In Connecticut [by Ian Hunter] |  |
2001.07 | Amplifier (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Almost Infamous [by Tom Semioli] | |
2001.07 | Amplifier (US) | LP review |  | Rant CD [by Eliot Wilder] | |
2001.07 | Guitar World (US) | CD review | | Rant |  |
2001.08 | Guitar One (US) | article | | Fallen Heroes (short Ian Hunter interview about Ronson) |  |
2001.08 | Record Collector (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter interview |  |
2001.10.18 | Boston Globe (US) | article | | Ian Hunter Rocks On [by Jim Sullivan] | |
2001.10.19 | Jersey Live! (US) | article | | All The Way From England [by Mark Voger] |  |
2001.11 | Compact Crossroads (France) | CD review | | Rant [by Claude Freillich] |  |
2001.11 | Tone (US) | article | | Ian Hunter Doesn't Rant |  |
2002 |
2002.01.24 | VG (Norway) | article | | Hunter Jakter [by Stein Ostbo] | |
2002.02 | Discoveries (US) | article | | All American English Boy: Ian Hunter Returns [by Robin Platts] | |
2002.04 | Q (UK) | CD review | | Overnight Angels [by John Aizlewood] |  |
2002.05 | Eclipsed (Germany) | CD review | | Rant CD [by CA] | |
2002.05 | Guitar (Germany) | CD review | | Protest Mit Stil Rant CD [by n/a] | |
2003 |
2003 | Mojo (UK) | article |  | Afterword (David Bowie Special Issue) [by Ian Hunter] | |
2004 |
2004.02.23 | New York Resident (US) | article | | Busman's Holiday [by Mark Rifkin] |  |
2004.03.05 | Jersey Live! (US) | article | | Just Another Night [by Mark Voger] | |
2004.08 | Record Collector (UK) | gig review | | (2004.05.27 Astoria, London UK) [by Tim Jones] | |
2005 |
2005.07 | Classic Rock (UK) | article | | Shady Business [by David Ling] | |
2005.08 | Discoveries (US) | article |  | Strings Attached [by Rush Evans] | |
2005.09 | Vintage Guitar (US) | article |  | Ian Hunter: Guitar Prognosticator [by Willie Moseley] | |
2007 |
2007 | Classic Rock (UK) | gig review | | (2007.05.15 Pigalle Club, London UK) [by Scott Rowley] | |
2007 | Rolling Stone (US) | LP review | | Shrunken Heads [by David Fricke] | |
2007.05 | Classic Rock (UK) | CD review | | Just Another Night DVD [by Peter Makowski] | |
2007.05 | Record Collector (UK) | news item | | Shrunken Heads announcement [by n/a] | |
2007.07 | Classic Rock (UK) | CD review | | Shrunken Heads CD [by Gavin Martin] | |
2007.07 | Eclipsed (Germany) | CD review | | Shrunken Heads CD [by AT] | |
2007.07 | Guitar World Acoustic (US) | article |  | Young Dude At Heart [by Dan Epstein] | |
2007.07 | Mojo (UK) | CD review | | Shrunken Heads CD [by Phil Sutcliffe] | |
2007.07 | Record Collector (UK) | CD review | | Shrunken Heads CD [by Terry Staunton] | |
2007.10 | Guitar (Germany) | CD review | | Shrunken Heads CD [by n/a] | |
2007.12 | Classic Rock (UK) | news item | | Bonus CD includes 'When The World Was Round' [by n/a] | |
2008 |
2008.01 | Classic Rock (UK) | article |  | Classic Rock Awards (Ian Hunter as presenter) [by Ross Halfin] | |
2009 |
2009.05 | Mojo (UK) | article | | Mott The Hoople: Teenage Riot [by Kris Needs] | |
2009.08 | Saga (UK) | article | | Ian Hunter: A Great Survivor [by Mark Ellen] | |
2009.08 | The Word (UK) | article | | The Glam Gandalf [by David Quantick] | |
2009.10 | Vintage Guitar (US) | article | | Ian Hunter: New Music and a Mott Reunion [by Willie Moseley] | |
2009.10 | Vintage Guitar (US) | article | | Man Overboard CD [by JH] | |
2011 |
2011.06.05 | The Independent New Review (UK) | article | | The First Time I Tried To Sing Everyone Ran Away [by Robert Chalmers] | |
2014 |
2014.06.03 | Esquire (US) | article | | What Ian Hunter Has Learned from 45 Years in Rock 'n' Roll [by Peter Gerstenzang] | |
2014.11.01 | Target Audience Magazine (US) | article | | A Conversation with Rocker Ian Hunter [by Dan Carroll] | |
2015 |
2015.01.12 | BAM Magazine (US) | gig review | | All The Old Dudes Still Liek Ian (2015-01-09 Fillmore) [by Steve Roby] | |