Ian Hunter - Radio Shows |
This discography shows the title, track list, date, country, label, and catalog number for all known releases and variations. It also serves as a want list. An asterisk (*) after the entry means I already have it, and a dash (-) means I am looking for a copy. Country abbreviations: ARG = Argentina; BEL = Belgium; BRA = Brazil; CAN = Canada; EU = European Union; FRA = France; GER = Germany; GRE = Greece; HOL = Holland; IRE = Ireland; ISR = Israel; ITA - Italy; JAP = Japan; KOR = Korea; MAL = Malaysia; NOR = Norway; NZ = New Zealand; OZ = Australia; PHI = Philippines; POR = Portugal; RUS = Russia; SA = South Africa; SNG = Singapore; SPA = Spain; SWE = Sweden; THA = Thailand; TUR = Turkey; YUG = Yugoslavia. Abbreviations in the notes: cvr = cover; slv = sleeve; cis = custom inner sleeve; ins = insert; obi = Japanese OBI band on cover; gfc = gatefold cover; 8b = custom 8 track box; wlp = white label promo; ts = DJ timing strip; pr = promo; stkr = sticker; ra = removable centre adapter; na = no centre adapter; s/m = promo with stereo and mono versions; s/s = promo with two stereo versions; no ins = CD has no jewel case inserts. Clicking a thumbnail image of the cover or label will bring you to a larger image.
Acoustic Cafe |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Acoustic Cafe is a two-hour syndicated radio show emphasizing acoustic music. Most shows feature a guest artist who is interviewed and performs live material the studio. The remaining segments of the show are filled by acoustic tracks by various artists. Show #337 from June 2001 features Ian Hunter as the guest artist, and contains several interview segments and live performances of Wash Us Away, Death of a Nation, and Still Love Rock and Roll.
 | Acoustic Cafe #329 ('Death of a Nation' album track) | 2001.04.30 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 329 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #331 ('Still Love R'n'R' album track) | 2001.05.14 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 331 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #337 ('Wash Us Away', 'Death of a Nation', 'Still Love R'n'R' - live in studio) | 2001.06.25 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 337 | cue | * |
 | Acoustic Cafe #345 ('Dudes (live)' - album track) | 2001.08.20 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 345 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #362 ('Wash Us Away' - live in studio repeated from #337) | 2001.12.17 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 362 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #404 ('Dudes (live)' - album track) | 2002.10.13 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 404 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #497 ('Dudes (live)' - album track) | 2004.07.25 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 497 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #731 ('Still Love R'n'R' - live in studio repeated from #337) | 2009.01.18 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 731 | cue | - |
 | Acoustic Cafe #764 ('Great Escape'; 'Dudes (live)' - album tracks) | 2009.08.31 | USA | CDx2 PR | Acoustic Cafe 764 | cue | - |
BBC Top Of The Pops |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
BBC Top Of The Pops #553: Thanks for the Memory - Slade; Disco Queen - Hot Chocolate; Not Be Found - Seals and Crofts; Three Steps To Heaven - Showaddywaddy; Someone To Love - Speedy Keene; Little Woman - Cozy Powell's Hammer; Lounge Lizard - Ian Hunter; I'll Play For You - Seals and Crofts; interview - Cozy Powell; Living a Lie - Cozy Powell's Hammer; Once Bitten Twice Shy - Ian Hunter
Top Of The Pops was a weekly BBC radio show, highlighting chart songs and new releases presented by BBC disc jockeys. The shows were an hour long, and included about a dozen songs - both live BBC session recordings and album tracks - and the occasional interview segment. It was distributed on LP with cue sheets by BBC Transcription Services. All of the Ian Hunter tracks included on these shows are believed to be album tracks, not live recordings.
 | BBC Top of the Pops #563 (IH: unknown content) | 1975 | UK | LP PR | BBC TS 137684 | cue, slv | - |
 | BBC Top of the Pops #553 | 1975.06.11 | UK | LP PR | BBC TS 137020 | cue, slv | * |
BBC In Concert #225 |
1980 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
BBC In Concert #225: Once Bitten Twice Shy; Laugh At Me; Sons and Daughters; Irene Wilde; Life After Death; The Golden Age of Rock n' Roll; Angeline; Standin' In My Light; All The Way From Memphis; All The Young Dudes; Walkin' With a Mountain
This one-hour live show was recorded at the Hammersmith Odeon, London UK on 22 Nov 1979 and was aired in week 22 of 1980. It was distributed in the UK as a single LP, with a one-page cue sheet, a one-page biography, and a generic BBC Transcription Services sleeve. It was later issued in the USA as a BBC Rock Hour radio show, distributed on reel-to-reel tape and aired on 11 May 1980. The BBC Rock Hour drops All The Way From Memphis in order to make room for adverts.
 | BBC In Concert #225 | 1980 | UK | LP PR | BBC TS CN 03550/S | bio, cue, slv | * |
 | BBC Rock Hour #119 | 1980.05.11 | USA | REEL PR | London Wavelength | cue | - |
BBC In Concert #476 |
1989 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
Once Bitten Twice Shy (Hunter); How Much More Can I Take (Hunter); Following In Your Footsteps (Hunter/Ronson); Just Another Night (Hunter/Ronson); The Loner (Hunter); (Give Me Back My) Wings (Hunter); Standin' In My Light (Hunter); You're Never Too Small To Hit The Big Time (Hunter); All The Way From Memphis (Hunter); Irene Wilde (Hunter) [titled 'Somebody Someday' on cue sheet
This one-hour live concert radio show was recorded at the Dominion Theater in London in February 1989. It has also been released commercially as BBC Live In Concert on the Windsong and Strange Fruit labels.
 | BBC Live In Concert | 1995 | JAP | CD PR | Windsong MSIF 3357 | | - |
 | BBC In Concert #476 | 1989 | UK | LP PR | BBC TS CN 05471/S | bio, cue, slv | - |
 | BBC Live In Concert | 1995 | UK | CD PR | Windsong WINCD 078 | | * |
 | BBC Live In Concert | 1998 | UK | CD PR | Strange Fruit SFRSCD 057 | | - |
BBC Classic Tracks |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
BBC Classic Tracks was a syndicated radio featureing an hour of live concert material from various artists. Most of the live tracks were taken from previous BBC programs like In Concert, Top Gear, and Top of the Pops. The shows often had a unifying 'theme' that connected the songs included in the show. A show usually consisted of five songs intended as daily segments, distributed on a single CD or LP.
 | BBC Classic Tracks #90-24 | 1990.06.11 | USA | LP PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #94-25 British Bands of Early 70s (IH: 'Dudes') | 1994.06.13 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #94-42 (IH: 'Dudes') | 1994.10.10 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #95-41 70s British Rock (IH: 'Dudes') | 1995.10.02 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | * |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #96-12 70s Rock (IH: 'Memphis') | 1996.03.18 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #96-28 Gone Solo (IH: 'Dudes') | 1996.07.08 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #96-44 Gone Solo (IH: 'Dudes') | 1996.10.28 | USA | CD PR | BBC Classic Tracks | cue | - |
Classic Cuts |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Classic Cuts was a syndicated radio show featuring short music and interview segments in which artists talk about their classic songs. A show contained ten segments, with two segments by the same artists meant to be aired each day. Each segment consisted of the artist briefly discussing one of their classic songs before it is played. The show was syndicated by MJI Broadcasting. Each show was available in two formats - a fully hosted version that included pre-recorded announcements and introductions, and an unhosted version where the a local DJ could read the introductions from a script.
 | Classic Cuts #6 (IH interview: 'Dudes', 'Memphis') | 1987.02.02 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-6 | unhosted version (#3) | - |
 | Classic Cuts #14 (IH interview: 'Just Another Night', 'Cleveland Rocks') | 1987.03.30 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-14 | | * |
 | Classic Cuts #29 (IH interview: 'Once Bitten', 'Ships') | 1987.07.13 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-29 | hosted version (#1) | - |
 | Classic Cuts #110 (MR interview, 'Just Another Night', 'Once Bitten') | 1989.01.30 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-110-RED | unhosted version (#3) | * |
 | Classic Cuts #110 (MR interview, 'Just Another Night', 'Once Bitten') | 1989.01.30 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-110-WHITE | hosted version (#1) | * |
 | Classic Cuts #324 (IH interview: 'Just Another Night', 'Cleveland Rocks') | 1993.03.08 | USA | LP PR | MJI CC-H-324 | hosted version | * |
Demo That Got The Deal |
2012 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
The Demo That Got The Deal is an occasional radio show from Boston hosted by Joe Viglione. It features songs and interviews with artists, many of which focus on the early recordings that broke the artist - the 'demo that got the deal'.
 | Demo That Got The Deal - Joe Vig's Pop Explosion Vol 3 | 2012 | USA | CD PR | Varulven | disc only | * |
Desert Island Discs |
1990 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
Desert Island Discs is an hour-long syndicated radio show distributed as a single LP with cue sheet. Each show features an guest artist choosing their favorite songs. Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson were the special guests in Febryary 1990, and took turns choosing their 'Desert Island Discs'.
 | Desert Island Discs | 1990.02.18 | USA | LP PR | MJI DID-? | cue | - |
Dick Clark's Music Machine |
1975 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Dick Clark's Music Machine was a weekly, three-hour syndicated radio show issued on three LPs with cue sheets. Show #56, Hour 3, Segment 3 was an 8:48 music profile segment about Ian Hunter's debut album. Dick Clark introduces three tracks from the album: 3,000 Miles From Here, It Ain't Easy When You Fall, and Once Bitten Twice Shy.
 | Dick Clark's Music Machine #56 | 1975 | USA | LPx3 PR | DCMM 56 | cue | * |
Direct News |
1979 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
This syndicated radio show provided a daily five-minute interview segment with a wide variety of entertainment personalities. The radio show was issued on a one-sided LP with a cue sheet and promo sheet. Episode 100 aired from 15-19 October 1979, and included segments with Ralph Nader, Carmen Hunter, Alan Sussman, Kate Millet, and Ian Hunter.
 | Direct News #100 | 1979.10.19 | USA | LP PR | DIR DN-100 | cue | * |
Earth News Radio |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Earth News Radio was a long-running syndicated radio show provided a pair of three-minute interview segments daily, covering a two-week period. The shows features music artists as well as actors, authors, and othe rpop culture figures. The show was supplied on a single LP with cue sheet. The 1975 show includes segements with David Cassidy, Ian Hunter, and Three Dog Night. The 1979 show includes four Ian Hunter segments.
 | Earth News Radio 6-30-75 (Ian Hunter: unknown segments) | 1975.06.30 | USA | LP PR | ENS EN-6-40-75 | cue | - |
 | Earth News Radio 6-4-79 (Ian Hunter: 4 segments) | 1979.06.04 | USA | LP PR | ENS EN-6-4-79 | cue | * |
Westwood One In Concert #82-5 |
1982 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Once Bitten Twice Shy; Just Another Night; All The Way From Memphis; Lisa Likes Rock n' Roll; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
This is a 90-minute live syndicated radio show, which aired from 5-7 March 1982. It features 60 minutes of Quarterflash material, and 30 minutes of Ian Hunter recorded at the Old Waldorf, San Francsico CA on 25 October 1981. It aired on 5 March 1982, and was distributed on two LPs with a cue sheet and a postage-paid performance affidavit.
 | Westwood One In Concert #82-5 | 1982.03.05 | USA | LPx2 PR | WW1 IC-82-5 | cue | * |
Innerview |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter
Innerview was a one-hour music and interview show hosted by longtime free-form rock DJ Jim Ladd. The radio show was issued on one LP, with a cue sheet and broadcast affadavit. Innerview #15-6 contains the same interview as #12-8, but with a new introduction that mentions the You're Never Alone With a Schizophrenic album.
 | Innerview #12-8 | 1978 | USA | LP PR | Innerview 12-8 | cue | * |
 | Innerview #15-6 | 1979 | USA | LP PR | Innerview 15-6 | cue | * |
The Inside Track |
1982 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Show #2: Rod Stewart [music/interview segment]; Rod Stewart [music/interview segment]; Ian Hunter [music/interview segment]; Ray Davies [music/interview segment]; Ray Davies [music/interview segment]
This 90-minute syndicated radio show consisted of album cuts and interviews with music artists, hosted by rock journalist Lisa Robinson. Episode #2 aired on 19 April 1982, and included segments with Rod Stewart (40 minutes), Ray Davies (30 minutes), and Ian Hunter (20 minutes). It was distributed on three LP sides, with a cue sheet and a promo sheet.
 | The Inside Track #2 | 1982.04.19 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR IT-2 | cue | * |
King Biscuit Flower Hour |
1979 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
Once Bitten Twice Shy; Just Another Night; All The Way From Memphis; All The Young Dudes
This one-hour radio show features 30-minute live segment from Rockpile and Ian Hunter. The Ian Hunter segment was recorded at the Agora In Cleveland OH on 18 June 1979. This show aired on 09 September 1979 and was issued on two reel-to-reel tapes with a cue sheet. This live set (minus 'Just Another Night') was included on an 18-LP compilation radio show from 1981 called A Rock 'n' Roll Valentine. This same 18-LP show was later issued in 1982 under the title Live From Central Park, with new labels pasted over the same 18 LP set.
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour | 1979.09.09 | USA | REEL PR | DIR | cue | * |
 | A Rock 'n' Roll Valentine (Various Artists) | 1981.02.14 | USA | LPx18 PR | FM Network Affiliates RV-9/11 | 18 LPs, cue | * |
 | Live From Central Park (Various Artists) | 1982 | USA | LPx18 PR | FM Network Affiliates RV-9/11 | 18 LPs, cue | * |
King Biscuit Flower Hour |
1981 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Rush/Ian Hunter 1981: Tom Sawyer; la Villa Strangiato; Jacob's Ladder - Rush; Central Park n' West; I Need Your Love/Honky Tonk Women; Cleveland Rocks; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
Prism/Ian Hunter 1982: Young and Restless; Heart and Soul; He's In The Jailhouse Now; Rain; When Will I See You Again; Hole In Paradise; Don't Let Him Go - Prism; Central Park n' West; All The Way From Memphis; Just Another Night; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
Mott The Hoople/Ian Hunter 1989: Golden Age of Rock 'n' Roll; One of the Boys; Marionette; All The Way From Memphis - Mott The Hoople; Once Bitten Twice Shy*; Just Another Night*; Cleveland Rocks* - Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson; Central Park 'n' West; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
Hunter/Bowie 2001: Once Bitten Twice Shy; Gun Control; All The Way From Memphis; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter; Ashes To Ashes; Space Oddity; Modern Love; Let's Dance; Red Sails - David Bowie
The King Biscuit Flower Hour is one of the longest running and best-known live concert radio shows. It is a one-hour show that was initially distributed on two reel-to-reel tapes, then converted to a two-LP format, and finally to a single CD format. The shows are broascasts edited from live concert recordings, which are heavily edited, with the set list being rearranged and crowd noise added to make each show sound like a large arena. These shows all feature Ian Hunter tracks that were originally recorded at the Dr. Pepper Music Festival iat Pier 81 in New York City on 11 September 1981. (This same concert was later broadcast on television as an MTV Concert, and was issued commerically as the Ian Hunter Rocks home video.)
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour #389 (Rush/Ian Hunter) | 1981.10.18 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR KB389 | cue | * |
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour #420 (Prism/Ian Hunter) | 1982.05.23 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR KB420 | cue | * |
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour (Mott The Hoople/Ian Hunter) | 1989.12.11 | USA | CD PR | DIR | cue | * |
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour (Ian Hunter/David Bowie) | 2001.10.15 | USA | CD PR | DIR | cue | * |
King Biscuit Flower Hour #390 |
1981 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
1981 radio show LP: I Play Guitar; Guitars and Women; On My Way Up; Party at the Hotel; Tobacco Road; Rock and Roll Hootchie Koo - Rick Derringer; Love In Action - Todd Rundgren; Hang On Sloopy; Is She Hurtin' You - entire cast
1998 radio show CD: Party at the Hotel; Rock and Roll Hootchie Koo; Let Me In; Jump Jump Jump - Rick Derringer; Just Another Night; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter; Right Place Wrong Time - Dr. John, Edgar Winter; Hang On Sloopy - entire cast
1998 commerical CD: Guitars and Women; On My Way Up; Party at the Hotel; Rock and Roll Hootchie Koo; Let Me In; Beyond The Universe; Jump Jump Jump - Rick Derringer; Just Another Night; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter; Right Place Wrong Time - Dr. John, Edgar Winter; Hang On Sloopy - entire cast
Sub-titled Party At The Palladium, This one-hour live radio show featured a charity concert for Rick Derringer at the Palladium in New York City, to help raise money to replace $100,000 worth of stolen gear. The show featured Rick Derringer, Todd Rundgren, Hall and Oates, Dr. John, Ellen Foley, Southside Johnny, and Edgar Winter. Although no Ian Hunter songs appear on the original 1981 radio show, the show was later re-aired in 1998 on CD with a different track listing that included Ian Hunter songs. Two Ian Hunter tracks also appear on a commercial CD release by King Biscuit Records called Rick Derringer and Friends.
 | Rock and Roll Hootchie Koo | 2001 | HOL | CD PR | Disky SI640382 | | - |
 | Rick Derringer and Friends | 1998 | JAP | CD PR | Sony SRCS-8682 | obi | - |
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour #390 | 1981.10.25 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR KB390 | cue | * |
 | Rick Derringer and Friends | 1998 | USA | CD PR | King Biscuit 70710-8836-2 | | * |
 | King Biscuit Flower Hour #98-13 | 1998.03.23 | USA | CD PR | DIR C11TK01XC | cue | * |
Legends of Classic Rock |
2013 Radio Show by Ian Hunter
The Legends of Classic Rock is a weekly music radio show hosted by Jeff Woods. Some episodes feature interviews, and others are artist profiles. The 2013 show is an artist profile.
 | Legends of Classic Rock: Beginner's Guide to IH & MTH | 2013.06.23 | USA | CD PR | Legends of Classic Rock Episode 414 | cue | * |
Live Cuts |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
12 Sep 1983: Play The Game Tonight - Kansas; All The Way From Memphis - Ian Hunter; Saturday Night's Alright - Elton John; I DOn;t Know - Ozzy Osbourne; Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners; People Who Died - Jim Carroll
Live Cuts was a syndicated radio show featuring live songs by various artists in short daily segments.
 | Live Cuts #9 (IH: 'Memphis') | 1983.09.12 | USA | LP PR | DIR LC-9 | | * |
 | Live Cuts (IH: unknown) | 1990.01.08 | USA | CD PR | DIR | | - |
Live From Central Park |
1982 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Central Park n' West; All The Way From Memphis; Just Another Night; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
This radio show contains live material recorded at the Dr. Pepper Festival in New York City on 11 September 1981. It was licensed from King Biscuit Flower Hour, and issued in a couple different guises. This concert was later issued commerically as the Ian Hunter Rocks home video, and in 2012 on CD in the four-disc set From The Knees of My Heart.
 | Live From Central Park: Ian Hunter/Golden earring | 1982 | CAN | LP PR | TBS Syndications LC-1 | cue | - |
 | Live From Central Park: Ian Hunter/John Cougar | 1982 | CAN | LP PR | TBS Syndications LC-19 | cue | * |
 | Live From Central Park: Ian Hunter/Rush/Billy Squire | 1982 | CAN | LPx2 PR | TBS Syndications CP-15 | cue | - |
The Mick Ronson Memorial Concert |
1994 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
BBC #758: It Ain't Easy; I Feel Free - The Rats; Whiter Shade Of Pale - Gary Brooker; Mystery Train; High School Confidential - Willy and the Poor Boys; Take A Long Line; Burning Sounds - Glen Matlock and the Mavericks; Angel No. 9; Don't Look Down; Moonage Daydream - Spiders From Mars
BBC #759: White Light/White Heat; Suffragette City - Spiders From Mars; Medicine Show - Big Audio; Come Up And See Me - Steve Harley; A Kind of Magic - Roger Taylor; Once Bitten Twice Shy - Ian Hunter; Baba O'Reilly; Summertime Blues - Roger Daltrey; Michael Picasso; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
Superstar Concert Series: It Ain't Easy; I Feel Free - The Rats; Whiter Shade Of Pale - Gary Brooker; Mystery Train; High School Confidential - Willy and the Poor Boys; White Light/White Heat; Suffragette City - Spiders From Mars; Medicine Show - Big Audio; Once Bitten Twice Shy; Resurrection Mary - Ian Hunter; Baba O'Reilly; Summertime Blues - Roger Daltrey; All The Young Dudes - Ian Hunter
Classic Tracks: All The Young Dudes; Once Bitten Twice Shy - Ian Hunter; Whiter Shade Of Pale - Gary Brooker; Suffragette City - Spiders From Mars; Baba O'Reilly - Roger Daltrey
The Mick Ronson Memorial Concert was held at the Hammersmith Apollo in London on 23 April 1994. It has appeared in numerous forms over the years, including commercial releases and radio shows. Highlights of the concert were issued as two BBC In Concert programmes, the first time in the 25 year history of the series that a single show spanned multiple consecutive episodes. The BBC In Concert omits more than a minute from the beginning of Big Audio's Medicine Show, and Steve Harley's ad-libbing during the pause in Come Up And See Me. The other song performed by Big Audio at the concert, Rush, was issued as a B side to their Higher Power CD single. Only a couple songs performed at the Memorial Concert has never been issued on CD in any form: Happy Talk by Captain Sensible and Johnny Moped, My Man by Glen Matlock, and Be My Sugar by Dana Gillespie.
 | BBC In Concert #595 | 1994 | UK | CD PR | BBC TS TCD 0758 | insert | * |
 | BBC In Concert #596 | 1994 | UK | CD PR | BBC TS TCD 0759 | insert | * |
 | BBC The Mix 5 (interviews; 4 tracks) | 1994.05 | UK | CD PR | BBC TCDM 9419 | cue | - |
 | Superstar Concert Series #94-34 | 1994.08.15 | USA | CDx2 PR | WW1 HRX30100D | cue | * |
 | BBC Classic Tracks #97-25 | 1997.06.16 | USA | CD PR | WW1 CORC901XD | cue | * |
Off The Record |
1979 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Ronnie Hammond I [Atlanta Rhythm Section]; Ian Hunter I; Steve Walsh I [Kansas]; Bram Tchaikovsky I; Steve Walsh II; Ian Hunter II; Ronnie Hammond II; Steve Walsh III; ian Hunter III; Ronnie Hammond III
This syndicated radio show provided a pair of three-minute interview segments daily, covering a one-week period. This show included three Ian Hunter segments. The show was supplied on a single reel-to-reel tape with cue sheet.
 | Off The Record | 1979.08.06 | USA | LP PR | Westwood One | cue | * |
Psychedelic Psnack |
1987 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
This syndicated radio show provided a daily five- to ten-minute profile or interview segment of rock musicians. The radio show was issued on a single LP with a cue sheet. Episode 87-06 aired from 2-6 February 1987, and the last segment features 'Honaloochie Boogie' and a short Ian Hunter interview.
 | Psychedelic Psnack #87-06 | 1987.02.02 | USA | LP PR | WW1 PP 87-06 | cue | * |
Rex Rawsthorne Reports |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Rex Rawsthorne Reports was a syndicated radio show
 | Rex Rawsthorne Reports #80-090 (IH interview segment) | 1980.07.13 | USA | LP PR | | | - |
Robert Klein Hour #24 |
1980 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
We Belong To The Night; Thunder And Rain - Ellen Foley [live]
The Robert Klein Hour was a one-hour syndicated radio show, which ran for two years and was hosted by actor and comedian Robert Klein. The show was taped in front of a live audience, and most episodes had two major interview guests and a third guest who performed a short live music segment. Episode #24 features an interview with William Shatner and Persis Khambatta (from Star Trek: The Motion Picture); a 20-minute interview with Ian Hunter and Ellen Foley; and a two-song live performance by Ellen Foley promoting her debut album Night Out.
 | Robert Klein Hour #24 | 1980.01.13 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR RK-24 | cue | * |
Robert Klein Radio Show #44 |
1981 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Robert Klein monologue; Ian Hunter interview segment 1; Ian Hunter interview segment 2; Russian Girls; Our Love Will Last Forever - Hilly Michaels [live]; Mark Hammill / Ian Hunter interview segment 1
At some point in its two-year run, the The Robert Klein Hour became the Robert Klein Radio Show. Episode #44 features an interview with Ian Hunter; and interview with Mark Hammill (from Star Wars); and a two-song live performance by ian Hunter Band drummer Hilly Michaels promoting his Lumia album. The radio show aired on 23 August 1981 and was issued on 2 LPs with cue sheet and promo sheet.
 | Robert Klein Radio Show #44 | 1981.08.23 | USA | LPx2 PR | RKRS 44 | cue | * |
Rock Around The World |
1975 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Show #44: Steve Hillage; Ian Hunter Interview; Mick Ronson Interview; Jumbo Jet; Martin Whale
Rock Around The World was a one-hour syndicated radio show, hosted by Chuck Marshall and produced in Hollywood. It was distributed as a single LP with cue sheet. The show format varied between news, interviews, and live concerts. Show #44 featured interviews with Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson. The exact content of show #37 is unknown.
 | Rock Around The World #37 (IH unknown content) | 1975.04.20 | USA | LP PR | RATW | cue | - |
 | Rock Around The World #44 (IH interview; MR interviews) | 1975.06.08 | USA | LP PR | RATW | cue | - |
Rockline |
2009 Radio Show by Ian Hunter
Rockline is a music and interview radio show hosted by Bob Coburn. Each features a single guest in the studio, and fans phone up to ask questions. The artists are also interviewed, and may perform live in the studio as well. In the 2009 show, Ian discusses both his new album Man Overboard as well as the upcoming Mott The Hoople reunion. Four tracks from the new album are played.
 | Rockline (Ian Hunter interview re. Rant) | 2001.05.16 | USA | CDx2 PR | Rockline | cue | - |
 | Rockline (Ian Hunter interview re. Shrunken Heads) | 2007.05.02 | USA | CDx2 PR | Rockline | cue | - |
 | Rockline (Ian Hunter interview re. Man Overboard) | 2009.08.19 | USA | CDx2 PR | Rockline | cue | * |
Rock Over London |
Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Rock Over London is an hour-long syndicated radio show from London Wavelength, hosted by Graham Dene. It consists primarily of album tracks from UK artists, which are sometimes supplemented by short interview segments or in-studio live sessions.
 | Rock Over London #010 (IH: 'Traitor') | 1983.08.21 | USA | LP PR | London Wavelength ROL13 | cue | * |
Rock USA |
1983 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Rock USA was a 3-hour weekly syndicated radio show, consisting primarily of studio tracks. It was issued in a 3 LP format by the Mutual Broadcasting System.
 | Rock USA Jul 23, 1983 ('All of the Good Ones ...') | 1983.07.23 | USA | LPx3 PR | Mutual Broadcasting System | cue | - |
 | Rock USA Sep 3, 1983 ('All of the Good Ones ...') | 1983.09.03 | USA | LPx3 PR | Mutual Broadcasting System | cue | - |
Rolling Stone Magazine Rock Revue |
1981 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Kim Carnes interview; Mick Jones/Foreigner interview; Ian Hunter interview; Devo interview; John Entwhistle interview; Stevie Nicks interview; Devo interview; The Police interview; Mick Jones/Foreigner interview; Ian Hunter interview; Karla Devito interview; Mick Jones/Foreigner interview; Devo interview; The Police interview; Ian Hunter interview; Stevie Nicks interview; John Entwhistle interview; Karla Devito interview; Devo interview; Mick Jones/Foreigner interview
This syndicated radio show provided 20 short interview segments, to be broadcast daily over a two-week period. This show included three Ian Hunter segments. The show was supplied on a single LP with cue sheet and was for the broadcast weeks of 5-12 October 1981.
 | The Rolling Stone Magazine Rock Revue | 1981.10.05 | USA | LP PR | RSMRR 81-41/42 | cue | * |
Star Trak 1979 |
1979 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
Roger McGuinn [Segment 1]; Janis Ian [Segment 1]; Roger McGuinn [Segment 2]; Ian Hunter [Segment 1]; Janis Ian [Segment 2]; Ian Hunter [Segment 2]; Roger McGuinn [Segment 3]; Ian Hunter [Segment 3]; Roger McGuinn [Segment 4]; Janis Ian [Segment 3]
This syndicated radio show provided short interview segments daily, covering a two-week period. This show included three Ian Hunter segments. The show was supplied on a single LP with cue sheet.
 | Star Trak | 1979.06.04 | USA | LP PR | WW1 n/a | cue | * |
Star Trak 1980 |
1980 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and various artists
The Babys [Segment 1]; Ian Hunter [Segment 1]; Foreigner [Segment 1]; Ian Hunter [Segment 2]; Foreigner [Segment 2]; The Babys [Segment 2]; Foreigner [Segment 3]; Ian Hunter [Segment 3]; Foreigner [Segment 4]; The Babys [Segment 3]
This syndicated radio show provided short interview segments daily, covering a two-week period. This show included three Ian Hunter segments. The show was supplied on a single LP with cue sheet.
 | Star Trak | 1980.02.18 | USA | LP PR | WW1 n/a | cue | - |
Studio Jam |
1979 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
Life After Death; When The Daylight Comes; Letter To Brittania From The Union Jack; Just Another Night; Laugh At Me; Cleveland Rocks; Bastard; Standing In My Light; Angeline; All The Way From Memphis; Interview; promo spot; station ID
Studio Jam was a syndicated radio show hosted by Robin Winter and produced by Chip Altholz in Chicago. The show started out by showcasing in-studio performances, and a couple years later began to feature live performances recorded at various venues in Chicago. This show contains a portion of the 22 June 1979 show at the Park West in Chicago, which was simulcast on FM. Although not as well known a other syndicated radio shows, Studio Jam produced a number of shows featuring prominent artists like Foreigner, Styx, The Police, Cheap Trick, David Bowie & Iggy Pop, Alice Cooper, Journey and The B52s.
 | Ian Hunter Studio Jam | 1979.07.01 | USA | REEL PR | Studio Jam | cue | - |
World Of Rock #76 |
1989 Radio Show by Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson
Womens Intuition; Tell It Like It Is; Central Park n' West; All The Young Dudes; Hang Onto Yourself; Big Time; Once Bitten Twice Shy; Cleveland Rocks
World Of Rock was a two-hour syndicated radio show hosted by Scott Muni and distreibuted by DIR Broadcasting. The show had one hour of music by various artists, followed by a one-hour music and interview segment. The show was distributed as a 2 LP set with cue sheets. Episode #76 aired on 16 December 1989 and was distributed on two LPs with a cue sheet and a promo sheet. Ian Hunter and Mick Ronson were interviewed to promo the YUI Orta album.
 | World of Rock #76 | 1989.12.16 | USA | LPx2 PR | DIR WOR-76 | cue | * |