Silence - Singles
Buffin with Ralphs Gibson Doc Thomas advert Doc Thomas on TV Dale Griffin with Soulents van Soulents at Walford Fete Doc Thomas Group onstage Doc Thomas poster Ralphs with Buddies 
Silence - Singles

This discography shows the title, track list, date, country, label, and catalog number for all known releases and variations. It also serves as a want list. An asterisk (*) after the entry means I already have it, and a dash (-) means I am looking for a copy.

Country abbreviations: ARG = Argentina; BEL = Belgium; BRA = Brazil; CAN = Canada; EU = European Union; FRA = France; GER = Germany; GRE = Greece; HOL = Holland; IRE = Ireland; ISR = Israel; ITA - Italy; JAP = Japan; KOR = Korea; MAL = Malaysia; NOR = Norway; NZ = New Zealand; OZ = Australia; PHI = Philippines; POR = Portugal; RUS = Russia; SA = South Africa; SNG = Singapore; SPA = Spain; SWE = Sweden; THA = Thailand; TUR = Turkey; YUG = Yugoslavia.

Abbreviations in the notes: cvr = cover; slv = sleeve; cis = custom inner sleeve; ins = insert; obi = Japanese OBI band on cover; gfc = gatefold cover; 8b = custom 8 track box; wlp = white label promo; ts = DJ timing strip; pr = promo; stkr = sticker; ra = removable centre adapter; na = no centre adapter; s/m = promo with stereo and mono versions; s/s = promo with two stereo versions; no ins = CD has no jewel case inserts.

Clicking a thumbnail image of the cover or label will bring you to a larger image.

Rescue Me

1967 Single by Doc Thomas Group

Italy label A side Italy label B side 
Balla Balla / Rescue Me1967ITA7S PRMRC A232B side only*
Just Can't Go To Sleep

1967 Single by Doc Thomas Group

Italy mis-spelt Italy correctly spelt Italy promo sleeve Italy label 
Just Can't Go To Sleep / Harlem Shuffle1967.01.01ITA7S PR PSDischi Interrecord 1-NP-1012title slv*
Just Can't Go To Sleep / Harlem Shuffle1967.01.01ITA7S PR PSDischi Interrecord 1-NP-1012Juke Box stamp & slv*
Just Can't Go To Sleep / Harlem Shuffle1967.01.01ITA7S PSDischi Interrecord 1-NP-1012'Shuffle'*
Just Can't Go To Sleep / Harlem Suffle1967.01.01ITA7S PSDischi Interrecord 1-NP-1012'Suffle'*